Dinakaran Astrology: The Study of Predestination


Dinakaran Astrology is the most ancient knowledge and science in the world. By this, it is known how the celestial bodies exert a certain influence on all the organic life on Earth. Astrology helps to find out the characteristics of a person, his positive and negative qualities, successes and failures, position and status, and education. It also shows the possibilities to advance, profit, and loss. Thus, astrology helps a person to understand himself, his family, and his friends. This indicates the possibility of facing diseases, misfortunes, and dangers. In short, astrology shows the possibilities, capabilities, and limitations of a person. When understood, it is useful in everyday life. With the help of astrology, and using a little common sense, one can turn any opportunity to one's advantage.



Astrology is the science of astronomy. In fact, it is a step forward, as it tries to trace the relationship between planets and constellations and their effects on human affairs. Astrology is not only a science—it is also a mathematics. It tries to show how every human being will live according to past deeds. In this, a special image which is Kundli is constructed. It is the image of the Kudli planets and Nakshatras.


The words of Alexandre Dumas in this regard

  • There comes a moment in every man's life that decides his entire future. Although this moment is very important, it is rarely guided by calculation or desire. Almost always it is chance that leads a man. Whether this decision is right or wrong can be ascertained first through astrology.
  • A person's horoscope contains information that can enable an astrologer to predict the exact time. in which that opportunity is likely to present itself. This is a wonderful and useful aspect of astrology.


Astrology is not magic. In occultism, the study of horoscopes or knowledge of the stars is not necessary. What a magician needs is his psychic power on which he relies for his predictions. But, the precise study of planets and constellations and the position and interrelationships of the planets, are based on which an astrologer makes a prediction.


Difference between Indian and Western astrology.

There is a difference between Indian and Western astrology. The Indian system tries to explain good or bad events based on a person's past actions (karmas). While the Western system focuses its attention on character analysis and self-improvement of the core.


Branches of Predictive Astrology

  1. Predictive astrology is based on the reading of a person's birth chart or horoscope.
  2. Ancients and astrologers called this an all-important part of astrology Jataka Shastra or Mool Jyotish.
  3. Predictions about a particular question are based on the timing of the question. Questions come under Shastra or Horary Astrology.
  4. Progressed Kundli deals with the casting and interpretation of yearly horoscopes. It is known as Varsha Phala. 

Harishiv.com belongs to the main branch of Dinakaran Astrology.

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