Solar System Information With Drawing And Pictures


 Solar system

The Sun is one of the stars in our galaxy. It heads a family of nine planets - Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus or Herschel, Neptune, and Pluto. which is arranged in order of their distance. It occupies a central position in the solar system. All the planets including Earth revolve around it. All planets rotate on their own axis. also, move in long elliptical orbits around the Sun.

Solar System

The Moon is one-fourth the size of the Earth. It is a satellite of the Earth. It revolves around the earth in 27/3 days. At the same time, it also rotates on its axis. Mercury is the smallest planet. Which is also the closest to the Sun. Venus is closest to Earth and smaller than Earth.

Mars is larger than Mercury. Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. Saturn is the second largest, and Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are larger than Earth.

👉Also Read:-- What is Astrology?👈

The motion of Earth:

The Earth completes its orbit around the sun in about 365 days. The solar cycle is observed from Earth one by one through each of the 12 zodiac signs. Thus the earth moves from one sign of the zodiac to another every month.


The earth also rotates on its axis from west to east every 24 hours. Because of this, all 12 signs of the zodiac pass through each part of the earth once in 24 hours. So, about every 2 hours, a new sign ascends over a given point on Earth. Whereas, a given point on Earth takes 2 hours to pass through the zodiac.


The path that the sun follows is called asta or ecliptic. Actually, it is the path of the Earth around the sun. The wide band extending about 9° on either side of this ecliptic is known as the zodiac circle. A Rashi consists of 360°. Divided into 12 equal parts for astrological purposes. It is called a sign or Rashi. The zodiac starts from the first point of Aries. The zodiac rotates on its axis, once a day, from east to west. All the planets restrict their side movements to the zodiac. which, for astrological purposes, is represented by a birth (birth) chart or horoscope.


Zodiac Sign:

Each zodiac sign (Rashi) is 30°. Each degree of a sign is divided into 60 minutes. Each minute is further divided into 60 seconds. Signs are named after constellations or stars. This is because Rashi is marked by 27 constellations. Each constellation is 13° -20', 24 constellations make up a zodiac sign. Each sign has its own unique attributes. It is one of the zodiac signs that the planets go astray.



The word planet is derived from the Greek word planets. Which means wanderers. A planet can be defined as a celestial body. which revolves around the Sun in an almost circular orbit. Unlike stars that have a fixed position in the sky and are always visible. Planets change their position and, sometimes, even disappear from view.




Celestial bodies are considered to be planets in science, although not all of them are planets in the true sense of the word. are listed in the table on the next page, along with their symbols and names.


It takes about 30 days for Sun and Venus to pass through a zodiac sign. , Mercury, being close to the Sun, is very unstable in its motion. It completes its journey through one sign in about 27 days. Moon takes about 54 hours, Mars, about 45 days, Jupiter, about 12 months, and Saturn, about 30 months. Also, Rahu and Ketu take about 18 months to transit through a sign. Unlike other planets that move clockwise (west to east), Rahu and Ketu move counter-clockwise (east to west).

  • It may be noted that Pluto has been left out of the above list of planets because of its little-known influence on human affairs.


Retardation and Acceleration:

No two planets make a complete revolution at the same time. Because of the differences in their speed, one planet overtakes and passes the other. This gives the appearance of stopping as it begins to move backward. This clear stopping is called 'stationary'. Direct backward motion is called 'backward' (vakra). No planet becomes truly stationary or retrograde. It is only an effect due to the combined motion of the planets and the Earth, and their positions relative to the Sun. It can be compared to those trees. Which are visible from a moving train.

  • If a planet moves from one sign to another faster than its normal speed. So this phenomenon is called 'acceleration'. All the planets except the Sun and the Moon are subject to retrograde and acceleration in their orbits.




Planets in intimate conjunction with the Sun are subject to combustion (Asta) and become debilitated. The Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are in force or eclipsing when they are within 10°, 110, 120, 14°, 15°, and 17° on either side of the Sun, respectively.


Astronomically, the Sun and Moon are not planets but luminaries. Yet, in astrology, they are considered planets. , Rahu and Ketu are not planets. But for predictive purposes, they are treated as such. They are actually the ascending and descending nodes of the Moon. This means the points at which the Moon's path in the celestial sphere intersects the Sun.

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