Do You Know Vastu Shastra and Principles


Vastu Shastra, Vastu Devata, or Vastu Purusha hold a very important place for Vastu construction.  Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture. He is the main presiding deity of the house. The arrangement of the elements around us has a profound effect on our physical and mental well-being. 

Vastu Shastra

In this article, we will explore the basic concepts, and principles, of Vastu Shastra, and learn about its relevance in contemporary times.

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The literal meaning of Vastu Shastra

meaning of Vastu Shastra

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian architectural and design system. which seeks to bring harmony and balance to living spaces. Derived from the Sanskrit word "vastu". Vastu means abode and "shastra" means science. Vastu Shastra encompasses principles and guidelines. which determine the layout, construction, and location of buildings.

Historical Origins of Vastu Shastra

Historical Origins of Vastu Shastra

The origins of Vastu Shastra can be traced back to ancient Indian scriptures. Which are also known as Vedas. Also from the Vedas especially Rigveda and Atharva Veda. These texts contain references to the importance of building structures in harmony with nature and the cosmos. Over time, the principles of Vastu Shastra were revised and codified in texts such as Vishwakarma Vastu Shastra and Brihit Samhita.

Importance of Vastu Shasta according to popular legend

  According to the scriptures, once Lord Shiva was engaged in a fierce war with the 'Andhakasur' Daitya. During this war, some drops of Shivaji's sweat fell on the ground. A huge and terrible giant arose from among them. He started killing and terrorizing the gods. After some time all the gods got together and caught him and pressed him face down on the earth. They sat on him to prevent him from getting up again.

 To appease the giant they gave him a boon that he would be worshiped in all auspicious ceremonies. All the deities live on his body and because of this, he will be known as Vastu Purusha.

Vastu Purusha is lying on the ground in a specific posture as shown in the figure. His head is always in the Ishan angle while his feet are in the Narayatya angle. The soles of his feet keep touching each other.

As mentioned earlier, Vastu Purusha is lying on the ground in a specific posture. Which is pictured below. In this, his head is always in the Eshaan cone, while his feet are in the Nairitya cone. The soles of his feet keep touching each other.


  • Key Principles of Vastu Shastra 

A. Site Selection and Orientation

  • Factors influencing site selection
  • Importance of cardinal directions (Dikpalas)
  • Auspicious and inauspicious plots

B. Building Design and Layout

  • The role of geometry and proportions
  • Vastu Purusha Mandala
  • Zoning and functional areas
  • Placement of rooms and elements

C. The Five Elements (Panchabhutas) and Their Significance

  • Earth (Prithvi) - stability and grounding
  • Water (Jal) - flow and purification
  • Fire (Agni) - energy and transformation
  • Air (Vayu) - circulation and movement
  • Space (Akasha) - expansiveness and connection

D. Energy Flow and Balancing

  • Vastu Purusha and energy grids
  • The flow of positive and negative energies
  • Remedies for energy imbalances

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